2006-09 1.0 Changes in this version: - discontinued use of owl:sameAs fordifferent descriptions of the same person. These are now listed as a single instance, with multiple name_en values, and a single rdfs:label which is (sort of) canonical. -minor corrections Maintenance note: the underlying ontology (NTNames.owl) is still under development, so it's important the owl:imports statement stays up-to-date -- Sean 2005-02-13 The names here are as transliterated in the English Standard Version (ESV), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Reuse note: where feasible, class names coincide with SUMO (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology), as developed within the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group, described at http://www.ontologyportal.org/, and available as OWL at http://reliant.teknowledge.com/DAML/SUMO.owl (But Not Without Some Problems). I've copied, rather than re-used, but this provides a future migration path toward coordinating the two ontologies. Location data taken from http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php/Cat/0/Number/517264. Geodata assumes this is an earlier name for Jerusalem, though this is not certain. Salem 31.77451070780678 0 geodata for Salem 35.22395850823153 false Aristobulus an inhabitant of Rome Tryphosa false Urbanus Christianity Not referenced as a belief system in the New Testament. Lucius a Christian leader in Antioch wife of Herod Antipas who had John the Baptist put to death one of the sons of Herod the Great who ruled Judea for a time Archelaus false King of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth Herod king Pontius Pilate ruler King of the land east of the Jordan Philip false Herodias had John the Baptist put to death Herodias geodata for Arimathea 0 34.94445199398103 31.97778934332933 Arimathea Arimathea is known as the native place of Joseph, a member of the Sanhedrin and a disciple who put Jesus' body in his own tomb after the crucifixion. Lydda 31.98583717588782 34.89443039056358 geodata for Lydda 0 31.90463130995243 0 35.23965156684373 geodata for Ramah Ramah The only NT reference is a quotation from Jer 31:15: this presumably refers to Ramah near Bethel. the mother of John the Baptist One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Naggai One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Mattathias true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Semein true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Joda One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Jechoniah Josiah Manasseh One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Jotham His occupation as King comes from Old Testament sources, 2Chron.26-27. king of Judah true true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Asaph One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology king of Judah One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology king of Judah true His occupation as king comes from Old Testament sources, 2Chr.12-13. Abijah Rehoboam king His occupation as king comes from the Old Testament, 1Kgs.12-14 A king of Israel, and one of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true Solomon king true Bathsheba David true the father of King David Jesse Obed true false An Old Testament example of faith who hid Joshua's spies Rahab prostitute One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew and Luke's geneaologies Luke's genealogy has Sala, a minor variant, but the relationships make clear it is the same person. Salmon true Nahshon One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true Likely a variant form of Ram, as Hezron's son is called in Matthew's genealogy. Admin Aram true true Hezron One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true Perez Simeon Manasseh false Israel becomes a metonym describing the nation of descendants from Jacob, so it is used both for a individual, a nation, and the members of that nation. Jacob Israel Esau a character from the Old Testament era false Sarah the wife of Abraham and an example of faith Abraham false Abram servant false Hagar mother of Ishmael; servant to Abraham's wife Sarah Egyptian Only used in the New Testament to refer to those whose place of birth is Egypt. her son Ishmael is not named in the New Testament Canaan The founder of the Hebrew nation. Terah true Nahor One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Reu One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Eber true Shelah One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Arphaxad One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Noah false Lamech true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Enoch false Different from the eldest son of Cain (Gen.4:17) Jared Cainan One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Kenan in the NIV true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Seth Eve false Abel the first son of Adam and Eve, who killed his brother Abel Cain the first woman created by God Though Luke's geneaology lists Adam as "the son of God", this is not in the biological sense of childOf Adam The first created human true Enos Enosh in the NIV true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Mahalaleel true Methuselah true true Shem One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Cainan true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Peleg true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Serug true An important Old Testament figure. Curiously enough, both Abraham and Sarah are described as having Terah as father, presumably by different mothers. false Rebecca false husband of Isaac Brother of Laban, who is not named in the New Testament. Isaac Asher One of the sons of Judah One of the 12 Patriarchs of Israel one of Jacob's wives Rachel Benjamin One of the 12 Patriarchs of Israel false Daughter of Laban and sister of Leah, who are not named in the New Testament. Judaism This is distinct from Jewish as an ethnic heritage, which implies birth: one can have a ReligiousBelief of Judaism through conversion, despite not having Jewish ethnicity. Those who convert to other beliefs (most notably for the New Testament, Christianity) are typically designated as having Jewish ethnicity, but Christianity as a ReligiousBelief. There is no implication of faithful devotion to the Jewish faith. Joseph The patriarch of the nation of Israel, son of Isaac and Abraham Matthan Eleazar One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true Eliud Achim One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Eliakim Abiud Azor Zadok One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology See the note on Joseph for why Mary is childOf Heli. She is described by John as standing at the foot of Jesus' cross with two other Marys. Her relationship to John assumes he is the "beloved discipled" described in John's gospel. 0 geodata for Cana 35.34180211400924 32.75209569199829 Sea of Galilee 0 32.77589768765405 geodata for Sea of Galilee 35.59041519244655 Chorazin 35.57534055705805 geodata for Capernaum 0 32.88081694660667 Capernaum 32.62729319536898 geodata for Nain 0 35.35011627032325 Nain Gennesaret An area on the west side of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus healed the sick From Magdala, a town in Galilee not mentioned in the New Testament a woman who contributed to Jesus' support Susanna false Probably of Jewish ethnicity Jesus Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Son of God Cleopas false TODO: Cleopas knew the 11, and the women who went to the tomb "The name is a contraction of Cleopatros, not identical with Clopas of Joh 19:25." (ISBE) Jerusalem could have been his place of residence. one of the two travellers on the road to Emmaus to whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection James Zebedee John Gaius false See comment on DemetriusTheSilversmith. Keener suggests that 3John is a letter of support which Demetrius carried to Gaius. a disciple mentioned in 3 John as having a good reputation silversmith Demetrius was a common name, so it's unlikely this man is the same as the disciple mentioned in 3John.1.12. a craftsman in Ephesus who made silver shrines of Artemis Demetrius Demetrius Diotrephes a member of the church to which 3 John was addressed "the beloved" to whom John addresses his third epistle One of Jesus' twelve apostles One of Jesus' twelve apostles Thomas James The father of James, one of the Twelve Alphaeus A follower of Jesus who was present at the crucifixion false Mary Comparing the Gospel accounts in John.19.25 and Mark.15.40, this Mary appears to be the same woman as the mother of James and Joseph/Joses, and therefore sister of Mary the mother of Jesus. The identification of Alphaeus with Clopas is not completely certain: see ISBE for Alphaeus. Joses In the time of Christ, Galilee was home to those of Jewish descent as well non-Jews. As used in the New Testament, the term is used primarily of Jews in distinction to Judean and Samaritan, the other major divisions of Jewish Palestine. It is therefore (in practice) a sub-ethnicity of Jewish. apostle fisherman false The Aramaic name Tabitha corresponds to the Greek form Dorcas. She probably also knew Simon the Tanner. Joppa 32.05528613849865 geodata for Joppa 34.7494008586598 0 false tanner Simon Peter stayed at Simon the Tanner's house in Joppa Simon In Joppa, Peter raised the woman Tabitha from the dead. Later, he had a vision while praying there that prepared him for the coming of the Holy Spirit to the first Gentiles. a Christian in Joppa known for her charity Tabitha Dorcas Sapphira false a member of the early church who misrepresented a gift and died as a consequence Ananias Residence in Jerusalem is assumed by the account in Acts 5, where the church is still primarily Jersualem-based. A member of the early church in Jerusalem who conspired with his wife to deceive the church about a gift of property, and who was consequently struck dead. one of Jesus' twelve apostles The main subgroup of Jewish Palestine at the time of Christ: to be Judean therefore implies being Jewish as well. This is distinct from describing those of the tribe and lineage of Judah. Samaritan A Jewish sect centered around the city of Samaria: in New Testament times, there was great emnity between Samaritans and Jews. Judean Felix Properly Antonius Felix Samaria was both a province in Palestine and a city of the same name. Samaria Sychar 32.20570054376385 geodata for Sychar 0 35.30486456165939 Jesus spoke here with a Samaritan woman about living water Israel Pharisees a respected Jewish teacher whom Paul studied under false teacher of the Jewish Law The beliefs of one of the main Jewish sects during the life of Jesus. In the New Testament the name of the sect is used, though not the belief system per se. Phariseeism Gamaliel This name designates the nation inhabited by the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons. For Israel the patriarch, see Jacob. For the inhabitants of this nation, see Israelites. Samaria 32.27767116198458 This may be overly precise positioning for a region geodata for Samaria 0 35.1986186525302 King of Chalcis from AD 50-92: the last member of the Herodian dynasty Herod Agrippa II king king Herod Agrippa I Drusilla's locations are inferred from those of her husband. According to Josephus, she was the daughter of Herod Agrippa I. wife of Felix Drusilla false false a daughter of Herod Agrippa I who heard Paul's defense to her brother, Herod Agrippa II false Bernice Smith notes that Bernice "lived under circumstances of great suspicion" with her brother Herod Agrippa II, i.e. they may have had an incestuous relationship. false Roman emperor Caesar Caesar is used as a name for several different individuals in the New Testament Roman Emperor during Paul's ministry He is not considered an antagonist of Paul because his only involvement was indifference. Achaia Gallio proconsul of Achaia false emperor Roman Emperor at the time of Jesus' birth Caesar Caesar is used as a name for several different individuals in the New Testament emperor Roman Emperor at the time of Jesus' ministry Caesar is used as a name for several different individuals in the New Testament. This is the Caesar referred to by Jesus. Tiberius Caesar Cornelius centurion Festus governor false governor of Judea after Felix 34.93994395174937 32.48365887401189 geodata for Caesarea 0 Caesarea governor of Judea false governor of Judea during the time when Paul was arrested in the Temple Jewish High Priest during the time of the Apostle Paul an orator enlisted by Ananias the high priest to speak against Paul to Felix Speaking on behalf of the Sanhedrin does not imply Tertullus was Jewish: more likely (but not certain), he was a Roman, hired for his familiarity with Roman law. But the account describes him as traveling from Jerusalem with the others. orator Tertullus High priest Ananias Levite Zacharias, father of John the Baptist, was a descendant of Abijah. priest Abijah A priest appointed by King David John certainly understood Jesus to be the Messiah and was a person of faith, but he cannot be accounted a Christian since Jesus' ministry was not yet accomplished when he was beheaded. The use of the name Elijah to refer to John the Baptist is figurative. John the Baptist John Zechariah Abiathar high priest High priest during the lifetime of King David apostle A leader in the church of Antioch Simeon John Mark Mary false a woman to whose house Peter came after his release from prison One might infer Rhoda was a Christian because of her mistress' faith, and her joy in seeing Peter after his release. Rhoda a maid in the house of Mary, mother of John Mark maid false One of Paul's companions a magician and false prophet who Paul and Silas encountered on Cyprus Bar-Jesus Elymas is a transliteration of an Aramaic or Arabic word equivalent to 'magician'. magician procounsul of Cyprus and 'a man of intelligence' Sergius Paulus procounsul Silas a prophet in the church at Antioch Judas Barnabas a close companion of the Apostle Paul All Levites are Jewish by definition. ISBE describes him as a Sadducee, though it's not clear why. false A relative of Annas the High Priest who was present when Peter and John were questioned about healing a lame man Alexander A relative of Annas the High Priest who was present when Peter and John were questioned about healing a lame man John The Jewish supreme council Sanhedrin Annas high priest Jewish high priest during Jesus' ministry Caiaphas Jewish high-priest (prior to Jesus' ministry) Priestly leader Annas' highpriesthood ended in 15 AD, but he continued to be described as high-priest after his son-in-law, Caiaphas, had taken the position. an early Christian who was put forward (but not chosen) as a replacement for Judas Iscariot Joseph Barsabbas A paralytic healed by Peter Aeneas The main definition for the Apostle Peter. Jonah Father of Peter and Andrew, two of Jesus' 12 disciples Bethsaide is assumed as his place of residence because his sons were from there. He was probably a fisherman, though nothing else is said of him in the New Testament. Simon Peter One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Judah Joseph One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Jonam One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true true Melea Mattatha One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true true This is not the prophet contemporary with King David, but David's son. One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Nathan true Menna true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Eliakim true true Simeon Levi Matthat true Eliezer true Er true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Addi true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Melchi Neri One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Shealtiel true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true true Cosam One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Elmadam Joshua One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Jorim true true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Levi One of Jesus' twelve apostles Melchi One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Mattathias true Joseph Jannai true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true true true Heli See the comment on Joseph for why Heli is listed as parentOf Mary, not Joseph, despite Luke 3:23. Matthat true Levi One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology One of the Twelve, also known as Matthew. tax collector Alphaeus The father of Levi, one of the Twelve That both James the Less and Levi had fathers named Alphaeus has led some to speculate they were brothers, but this seems unlikely. Simon the Zealot was also known as Simon the Cananaean (but the term is one of political, not geographic, affiliation). Simon One of Jesus' twelve apostles Philip One of Jesus' twelve apostles One of Jesus' twelve apostles apostle Bartholomew Many believe Bartholemew is another name for Nathanael, though their identity is deduced rather than stated. Galilean One of Jesus' twelve apostles, and the first one called. fisherman apostle Andrew One could infer that Andrew followed Jesus back from Bethany to Galilee in his early ministry, and therefore visited Cana and Capernaum. But this is not explicitly described. Thaddaeus One of Jesus' twelve apostles false one of the woman who came to annoint Jesus' body after his crucifixion Salome Matthew and Mark's accounts of the crucifixion together identify Salome as the mother of the sons of Zebedee. This is also the traditional name of the daughter of Herodias, whose dance before King Herod led to the beheading of John the Baptist. But this woman is not named in the New Testament. As the central figure of the New Testament, it is impossible to incorporate all the information about Jesus in this limited framework. Joanna a woman wno contributed to Jesus' support Chuza Though Chuza's wife was a devoted follower of Jesus, there's no evidence as to Chuza's belief. household manager Household manager of Herod Antipas false A woman from whom seven demons had been exorcised Mary Magdalene false Galilee 0 32.87856448546807 35.61284401358682 geodata for Bethsaida Bethsaida NNE of Sea of Galilee, "Bethsaida Julia". ISBE has a thorough account of whether, given Mark 6.45 and John's "Bethsaida of Galilee", there were two such towns (with a second, smaller one on the west side), or only one 32.79687612684089 35.52732984815425 geodata for Tiberias 0 Tiberias Tiberias was built by Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, as his capital. Nazareth 0 32.706884652966 35.30169055809072 geodata for Nazareth Cana Egypt Bethlehem 31.71507355246746 geodata for Bethlehem 0 35.20536282503156 the mother of Jesus false Mary Joseph was Jesus' parent in the normal sense, even though not his biological father. Luke 3:23 has "Joseph, son of Heli", though Matthew has Joseph's father named Jacob. Here I've represented the opinion that Joseph was actually son-in-law of Heli, and that Luke's geneaology describes Mary's lineage rather than Joseph's. carpenter the earthly father of Jesus Joseph Grandfather of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus Jacob One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology One of the twelve sons of Jacob, whose name is adopted for one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. false Gad Naphtali Zebulun Reuben One of the 12 Patriarchs of Israel His mother Zilpah, Leah's servant, is not named in the New Testament. Issachar One of the 12 Patriarchs of Israel, after whom the land of Judea took its name. false Judah Tamar was not actually his spouse, but his daughter-in-law (Gen 38). One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true Tamar One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Zerah true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Arni One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Ram One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Amminadab true true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Boaz true Not mentioned in the New Testament: of the people of Moab, a non-Jewish group. king of Moab who hired Balaam king Balak Moabite An Old Testament figure an ancestor of King David in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus Ruth true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew and Luke's geneaologies king of Israel Uriah From OT sources, Uriah was a Hittite and a soldier in David's army (therefore having both collaboratesWith and hasEnemy relationships with David). soldier One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true false Israel's greatest king; author of many of the Old Testament Psalms Not named in the New Testament, but referred to in Matt.1.6 as "the wife of Uriah". Since Uriah was a Hittite, it's not clear what her religiousBelief might have been. King of Israel renowned for his wisdom true Not the same as the psalmist and leader of King David's choir in 1Chr.6.39. king of Judah One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology Jehoshaphat true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Matthew's geneaology true His occupation as King comes from Old Testament sources. Joram king of Judah king of Judah His occupation as King comes from Old Testament sources. Uzziah King of Judah during the time of Isaiah Ahaz true See OT descriptions in 2 Kings 16; Isa. 7-9; 2 Chr. 28. king Hezekiah Amos Shealtiel Zerubbabel true Rhesa true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Joanan true Josech One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Maath true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology Esli Nahum true One of the ancestors of Jesus mentioned in Luke's geneaology true Amos There's no evidence other than the similar (and not uncommon) name to suggest this man is the same Amos as the Old Testament prophet. Jewish Essentially a "non-ethnicity" meaning not Jewish. Gentile A prophet in the Jerusalem church who visited Antioch and foretold of a coming famine. prophet Agabus a criminal, released in place of Jesus Barabbas A Jew in Ephesus who was put forward to quiet the crowd during the riot caused by Demetrius Alexander false Timothy Corinth His residence in Corinth follows from the inference that Paul resided there when he wrote the letter to the Roman church. Tertius false the scribe of Paul's letter to the Roman church Aquila Stephanas A member of Corinthian church who visited the Apostle Paul in Ephesus, perhaps bearing a letter to him. Fortunatus A member of Corinthian church who visited the Apostle Paul in Ephesus, perhaps bearing a letter to him. Achaicus His residence in Corinth and visit to Ephesus follow from Paul's statement in 1Cor.16.17, and the assumption that Paul was in Ephesus when he wrote 1 Corinthians. His residence in Corinth and visit to Ephesus follow from Paul's statement in 1Cor.16.17, and the assumption that Paul was in Ephesus when he wrote 1 Corinthians. false false His residence in Corinth and visit to Ephesus follow from Paul's statement in 1Cor.16.17, and the assumption that Paul was in Ephesus when he wrote 1 Corinthians. Ephesus Luke describes him as "Gaius of Derbe": that could be either his place of birth, or place of residence. It's not clear whether he (and his other companions) accompanied Paul all the way to Jerusalem. Gaius being a common name, it seems plausible that the others of the same name are distinct individuals, though the closest possible identification is with GaiusOfMacedonia (see New Bible Dictionary for discussion). Pyrrhus Thessalonica Macedonia 40.43708022312837 geodata for Berea 0 22.25122790151288 Berea geodata for Apollonia 40.5876325134332 23.35335168557564 0 Apollonia Amphipolis 0 geodata for Amphipolis 40.82086523068722 23.83947945942736 treasurer false Erastus the city treasurer It is uncertain whether this Erastus is the same as Paul's travelling companion and fellow minister, though possible. There are two references to this Erastus: it's possible they represent two different people. See also the comment on ErastusTheTreasurer. a travelling companion of Paul false Erastus 40.64160894418217 geodata for Thessalonica 22.93594798656816 0 Luke describes him as "of the Thessalonians", which could mean either his residence or his origin. a traveling companion of Paul false Aristarchus Of the region of Macedonia (and therefore also Greek). Macedonian Trophimus a Thessalonian companion of Paul's false Secundus Sopater Tychicus Gaius 39.50181513585497 0 26.08148842388431 geodata for Troas Troas false a young man who fell asleep during a lengthy sermon by Paul Eutychus false a travelling companion of Paul's geodata for Derbe 33.22035444184204 0 37.37703789113421 Derbe It seems likely this Gaius was a Christian since he was Paul's "companion in travel", though this is not explicitly stated. a traveling companion of Paul's false Gaius 27.36811967648377 geodata for Ephesus 37.95451808351513 0 tentmaker a tentmaked converted by Paul who, together with his wife, became evangelists Pontus false Alexandria geodata for Alexandria 30.09869047792926 31.1869228814314 0 an eloquent evangelist whose ministry was initially based only on the teachings of John the Baptist false Apollos Gaius Since Paul's Epistle to the Romans was written from Corinth, this is assumed to be the one Paul describes as "host to me and the whole church" one whom Paul baptized in Corinth false 22.88904528961036 37.89771145673512 0 geodata for Corinth a companion of Paul's who sent greetings to the Roman church false "kinsman" here probably means that that he is a Jew, rather than an actual relation, given the number of people so designated in Romans 16. His residence in Corinth follows from the inference that Paul resided there when he wrote the letter to the Roman church. false Sosipater a companion of Paul's who sent greetings to the Roman church Quartus Lucius This person may be the same as Lucius of Cyrene, but there's no clear evidence other than the name. His residence in Corinth follows from the inference that Paul resided there when he wrote the letter to the Roman church. "kinsman" here probably means that that he is a Jew, rather than an actual relation, given the number of people so designated in Romans 16. false a companion of Paul's who sent greetings to the Roman church His residence in Corinth follows from the inference that Paul resided there when he wrote the letter to the Roman church. "kinsman" here probably means that that he is a Jew, rather than an actual relative, given the number of people so designated in Romans 16. Jason Timothy's residence in Corinth follows from the close of Paul's letter to the Romans, assumed to have been written from Corinth. false Titius Greek Sometimes used synomymously with Gentile, but certainly means non-Jewish in ethnicity. geodata for Lystra 0 37.60127988966087 32.44677760633329 Lystra Eunice's residence in Lystra is implied by Acts.16.1, though Derbe is also possible. Her Christian faith is strongly implied by Paul's commendation of it in 2Tim.1.5. the grandmother of Timothy Lois Her Christian belief is implied by Paul's commendation of her faith. Her daughter Eunice lived in Lystra, but her residence is unknown. false the mother of Timothy false Eunice Canaanite A subregion of Canaan. Shechem geodata for Shechem 0 32.21495259430149 35.27651098164232 ruler false Hamor In the Old Testament, a people living west of the Jordan river who were partially displaced by the Israelites. In New Testament times, Canaanites lived primarily in the area of Phoenicia. Cananean, in contrast, is almost certainly political, rather than ethnic. Barachiah Zechariah a judge of Israel prior to the monarchy Gideon false false Bethany the sister of Lazarus and Mary who annointed Jesus before his death Martha false There's no evidence to suggest a connection between Lazarus of Bethany and the same-named subject of Jesus' parable. a man Jesus brought back to life Lazarus a follower of Jesus who annointed him late in his ministry Mary There are other accounts of an unnamed woman annointing Jesus with oil, and various arguments about whether these were the same or different women. prophetess Phanuel Anna a prophetess who spoke about the infant Jesus in the temple tribe of Asher false Moses false Moses' assistant during the Exodus Aaron Elijah John the Baptist represented Elijah returned to his contemporaries, and the name is sometimes therefore used to refer to John (e.g. Matt.17.12). one of the most notable prophets in the Old Testament Elisha an Old Testament prophet Simon Alexander false Probably an early Christian known to Mark, who mentions him as the son of Simon of Cyrene, who was compelled to carry Jesus' cross Rufus false There are no firm grounds for identifying this Rufus as the same person as the son of Simon of Cyrene mentioned in Mark 15 (though the tradition that Mark's Gospel was written in Rome makes this an intriguing possibility). Identified as a Jew because, though a foreigner, he was in Jerusalem at the time of Passover Simon was forced to carry Jesus' cross by the Romans who were taking him to be cruficied Ananias Ananias was sent to Paul to restore his sight, after his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus Ethiopian Of the country of Ethiopia. Candace false Candace is actually a title like "Pharaoh" rather than a personal name, hence her occupation as queen. queen The notion of 'Jewish' as an ethnicity is problematic given the long history of God's chosen people and their many circumstances. Here it refers broadly to the Jewish identity, and is applied to all those from Abraham through Peter and Paul who would designate themselves as Jewish. In particular, no attempt is made to distinguish pre-Mosaic Jewish ethnicity from later forms. Israelite is only used a few times in the New Testament, and in those instances, it is treated synonymously with Jewish. false Elizabeth was a kinswoman to Mary the mother of Jesus. Luke's gospel records that Mary visited her in a town in Judah, and that she was "of the daughters of Aaron". Elizabeth geodata for Gaza 34.43673180421263 31.52900696298234 0 Gaza 0 32.10685678492184 geodata for Antipatris 34.95460542969052 Antipatris Azotus Judea Emmaus Emmaus is a village about seven miles from Jerusalem. Jesus joined two disciples who were walking here, though they did not recognize Him until the end of the journey. 31.83790041996461 0 geodata for Emmaus 34.99550449459134 Sharon Jericho 35.45194277611154 0 31.87121832852874 geodata for Jericho geodata for Ephraim 31.94718085585583 35.30400861340603 0 Ephraim Jesus retreated to this town with his disciples when the Jews plotted to kill him after Lazarus was raised from the dead. Bethphage Jerusalem Claudius Lysias Greek ethnicity is suggested by his surname. tribune false the military tribune commanding the Roman forces in Jerusalem Siloam A pool outside the walls of Jerusalem. Bethesda 0 geodata for Jerusalem 31.77451070780678 35.22395850823153 Herod the tetrarch Herod ruler of Judea during Jesus' adult life tetrarch king Aretas a king in Paul's time whose rule included Damascus Herod the Great was Idumean, and Antipas' mother was Samaritan. According to extra-biblical history, he was educated in Rome. a Christian leader at Antioch The term translated "foster-brother" means Manaen and Herod Antipas were raised together, though not literally relatives. Manaen This person may be the same as the Lucius in Rome, but there's no clear evidence other than the name. false Persis One who worked hard in the Lord among the Roman Christians Herodion false Paul's description of Herodian as "my kinsman" is taken in the general snese (e.g. coming from the same region), rather than literally. Julia a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings Julia may be the spouse or sister of Philologus, given their mention together in Rom.16.15 false a companion of the Apostle Paul false Clement a Philippian Christian who worked alongside Paul false Syntyche a convert from Paul's preaching in Philippi 38.92574516366593 geodata for Thyatira 27.85737139107431 0 Thyatira seller of purple goods false Lydia Philippi 0 24.28828605219695 geodata for Philippi 41.01329092166473 Euodia false a Christian in Philippi false The circumstances behind his "turning away" from Paul are unknown. Likewise, Paul's description of him as being "is Asia" isn't specific enough to assign a place. Phygelus a Christian who refused to help Paul during his Roman imprisonment false a Christian who refused to help Paul during his Roman imprisonment Hermogenes The circumstances behind his "turning away" from Paul are unknown. Likewise, Paul's description of him as being "is Asia" isn't specific enough to assign a place. false a "worker in the Lord" in Rome Tryphaena false a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings Phlegon a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings Hermas false false Apelles a Christian in Rome whom Paul greeted Artemas Ampliatus false false Though Paul describes Demas as "my fellow worker" in Philemon, later he apparently deserted him and went to Thessalonica. He was with Paul when he wrote his letter to Philemon and the Colossians, but Paul's location when writing them is uncertain. Demas an associate of Paul's, whom the Apostle entrusted with books, parchments, and his cloak Carpus Hermes false a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings tentmaker a woman to whom Paul sent greetings in his letter to the Romans false Mary Epaphras Epaphroditus Though Epaphras is a contraction of Epaphroditus, this individual is distinct from the Epaphras mentioned in Colossians and Philemon. Rome as a visitedPlace assumes Paul was there while writing Philippians. A Christian sent by the Philippian church with a gift for Paul A fellow minister with Paul, and likely founder of the Colossian church Paul mentions that Epaphras "worked hard" for those in Laodicea and Hierapolis, so it's possible (but not certain) he visited there as well. missionary Hymenaeus Philetus Described to Timothy by Paul as having "rejected conscience" Alexander This may be the same as AlexanderTheHeretic, since they are both identified as opponents of Paul and the Gospel, and they both resided in Ephesus. A resident of Ephesus who caused Paul "great harm" coppersmith Alexander false Epaenetus A Christian in Rome whom Paul describes as "the first convert to Christ in Asia" false Asia Paul's description of Andronicus as "my kinsman" is taken in the general snese (e.g. coming from the same region), rather than literally. As a "fellow-prisoner", he and Junia are assumed to be collaborators with Paul. false Junia Given their joint mention by Paul, it seems likely that Junia was Andronicus' spouse, though this is not explicitly stated. Paul's description of Andronicus and Junia as "my kinsmen" is taken in the general sense (e.g. coming from the same region), rather than literally. Given they were Christians before Paul, their conversion must have been relatively early in the history of the church, and so it is quite likely they also visited Jerusalem (though this is nowhere stated). Much controversy rests on whether this description means they were well-known _to_ the apostles, or well-known _as_ apostles. a "kinsman" and fellow prisoner of Paul A Christian in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings false Andronicus The Church in Laodicea met in her house. Some manuscript variants indicate a man rather than a woman. false geodata for Laodicea 37.77464665610933 29.09677098362944 0 Laodicea the church in Laodicea met in her house Nympha Paul Crescens Crescens may have been from Rome originally a companion of the Apostle Paul false Nereus a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings apostle The Apostle Paul was known earlier as Saul: he was given the name Paul when he was converted. false a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings Patrobas a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings Philologus false Olympas a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings false false Deaconess of the Church of Cenchreae Phoebe Paul's commendation of Phoebe in Romans strongly suggests she delivered the letter Cenchreae 22.96102305563464 0 37.90791013400233 geodata for Cenchreae Asyncritus a Roman to whom Paul sent greetings false a Christian in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings false Stachys false a Christian companion of the Apostle Paul in his Roman imprisonment Eubulus His residence in Rome assumes a Christian in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings Prisca Prisca is the diminutive form of Priscilla. Brownrigg notes that Paul always uses this form. false Priscilla a "worker in the Lord" in Rome false Rome Claudia a Christian who sent greeetings to Timothy in Paul's second epislte. Rome as ResidentPlace because Paul was imprisoned there when writing to Timothy. Linus false Pudens false Narcissus Paul addresses "the family/household of Narcissus", which may refer to slaves: so we have no evidence about the beliefs or other attributes of Narcissus himself, other than his residence in Rome. Paul addresses "the family/household of Aristobulus", which may refer to slaves: so we have no evidence about the beliefs or other attributes of Aristobulus himself, other than his residence in Rome. One of the grandsons of Herod the Great had this name, though the name was common enough that this need not be the same man. 31.83673784971973 geodata for Bethany Beyond the Jordan 0 35.55008611318313 geodata for Babylon 0 44.42007455918414 32.53660983263659 Porcius Timon Cilicia Gadarenes geodata for Attalia 0 36.91461876374842 30.7182409422051 Attalia Pamphylia Herodotus describes the Scythians as a savage race of nomads, living generally north of the Black and Caspain Seas. Paul's single use of the term seems largely synonymous with them as a type of barbarians. Scythian Sceva 27.30704421298264 37.59280951286878 0 geodata for Miletus Zebulun tribe of Zebulun Trachonitis Augustus emperor Emperor of Rome at the time of Jesus' birth Herodians 0 33.25100774530771 35.69397573529149 geodata for Caesarea Philippi Asiarchs Nazarene Lycaonia Areopagus 31.77646075162188 geodata for Mount of Olives 35.24256973151253 0 Jude 0 geodata for Sidon 35.35565736166527 33.5571694642368 geodata for Colossae 29.19879351988703 37.82980850278283 0 Onesiphorus Pilate Italian Cohort A Roman legion Jesus recounts the story of Elijah being sent to a widow of Zarephath as an example of God blessing those outside the nation of Israel. Zarephath Phoenicia "Chloe's people" are mentioned in 1Cor.1.11: so while they were clearly Christians who knew the church in Corinth, nothing more specific is known about her. She may have resided in Ephesus instead of Corinth. Chloe false Areopagite Babylon Babylon also has a metaphorical usage as a symbol of the world system opposed to God Likely synonymous with Canaanite, and referring to those from the region of Syria and Phoenicia, and therefore a subgroup of Greek Gentiles. Syrophoenician Levites Distinguished from Jews not by different beliefs, but by special roles related to observation of temple worship. Neapolis 40.94505979070409 24.43247892824545 geodata for Neapolis 0 28.52643605613694 38.35785882454039 geodata for Philadelphia 0 Philadelphia Spain Sidon geodata for Haran 0 39.04728757340273 36.92937229726265 0 28.22852638439881 geodata for Rhodes 36.43927573777137 Immanuel Galileans Gentiles Aramaic Titus Jews Tyrannus Mysia Parmenas Luke Adriatic Lycia 32.42822722601693 34.77011113075128 0 geodata for Paphos Bithynia Epicurean The Kidron Brook/Valley is just outside the walls of Jerusalem Kidron 35.37152949677915 31.42838121424862 0 geodata for Sodom Sodom Pisidia Syracuse 15.29666086592392 37.07082102418126 geodata for Syracuse 0 Abilene Damascus Phoenix 0 geodata for Phoenix 24.01414490625663 35.26650579704394 geodata for Smyrna 27.25625458305646 38.32512200511864 0 Zealot Smyrna Jambres Aenon Barak general an Old Testament military leader from the book of Judges Barak His residence in Colossae is implied from his relationship to Archippus and Onesimus (Col.4.9; Col.4.17). He may have been been a native as well. Paul describes him as "our beloved fellow worker". Philemon a Christian in Colossae whom Paul describes as "our fellow soldier" Paul describes Archippus as "our fellow soldier" in Philemon 1:2, perhaps based on service together in Ephesus (RWP). Archippus Being the spouseOf Philemon is implied by their mention together in the salutation of the Letter to Philemon, though it is not definite. Paul describes her as "our sister", presumably in Christ rather than literally. See Philemon about ResidentPlace. false Apphia Gethsemane Artemis false Gog The historic background of the reference to Gog is most likely the Lydian king in the 7th Century BC. Its usage in Revelation seems to describe a group of people, but it is hard to be certain what is intended in this apocalyptic context. an apocalyptic opponent of God's people 35.85282675242785 14.53243601407711 0 geodata for Malta Malta Myra 30.06643253716855 0 36.26320556210278 geodata for Myra Mesopotamia Pharisee Having a ReligiousBelief of Pharisee implies the belief of Jew as well. Salamis 0 33.85186619255565 35.14774697653193 geodata for Salamis 25.98384834966224 geodata for Salmone 35.20497664329137 0 Salmone tribe of Judah Christian 0 36.27516973857826 geodata for Patara 29.31849755912533 Patara Greece Armageddon Syrtis Gabriel Athenians 0 34.93102546484152 24.8056554464516 geodata for Lasea Lasea 24.73534424651286 geodata for Fair Havens 0 34.93065966009429 Naaman Of the country of Syria. Syrian Damaris false Damaris was converted through Paul's preaching in Athens. a convert from Paul's address to the Aeropagus Athens Dalmatia Jannes Cyrene tribe of Reuben Zeus Isaiah chamberlain the chamberlain of Herod Agrippa Blastus Greek Not named in the New Testament. Galatians Magadan Publius A prophet from the Old Testmanent Jonah Arabians geodata for Tyre 33.2729182169202 35.19877875091432 0 Antipas a martyr Cyprus Taverns Ptolemais Jephthah Laodiceans Adramyttium Beor Balaam an Old Testament figure and negative example Michael Samson 37.88182317434359 32.48788166833032 0 geodata for Iconium Iconium Dionysius Though nothing else is recorded about Dionysius, the exclusivity and prestige of the Areopagus makes his descriptive surname significant. 40.83850773167724 geodata for Puteoli 0 14.24733299483093 Mount of Olives Olivet Pergamum Quirinius Ephesian Nineveh 43.13289767782624 geodata for Nineveh 0 36.37255383798249 Part of the ancient empire of Persia, though under Roman domination in New Testmament times. Libya Pentecost Corinthians Zion geodata for Cos 27.08847233780648 36.79289004177876 0 Sadduceanism The beliefs of one of the main Jewish sects during the life of Jesus. In the New Testament the name of the sect is used, though not the belief system per se. Miletus Boanerges Sons of Thunder Jesus' nickname for two of his disciples: James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother. 31.22573706270546 geodata for Gomorrah 35.46678974205374 0 Nicolaus Nicanor Paphos Seleucia 35.93980304207995 36.12957722548538 0 geodata for Seleucia As a prominent member of the church at Corinth, it seems reasonable to assume Crispus would know the other people from Corinth mentioned in the New Testament. a Corinthian Christian, and former ruler of the synagogue there Crispus 38.11332514500865 geodata for Rhegium 15.64606604911537 0 Ethiopians Nicodemus Medes Silvanus Thessalonians Phrygia Latin Christians tribe of Gad tribe of Joseph James 36.16196869636812 36.20712275818978 0 geodata for Antioch Rhodes Puteoli Crete Joshua Iscariot Colossae Chaldeans 31.216030760332 38.35065381137431 0 geodata for Antioch Antioch Antioch in Pisidia This Antioch is located in the Pisidian region of Asia Minor, a different place from the town of the same name in Syria tribe of Levi In his speech before the Council, Stephen refers to Haran as a place where Abraham lived. Haran Galatia Tyre Hierapolis A Roman legion. Augustan Cohort Malchus Theudas Scripture Julius Idumea 36.99887690087876 geodata for Perga 0 30.91083478573943 Perga Lysanias Korah Appius Moloch Pharaoh is actually a title rather than a personal name, but in the New Testament it refers to a single individual. king Pharaoh 38.48410261177621 0 geodata for Sardis 28.11569681314403 Jordan Asians An area to the NW of the Sea of Galilee. It's unclear whether this refers to a definite region or an undefined general area occupied by the Ituraeans, a migratory tribe. Ituraea Caesarea Philippi Satan Cnidus 27.37335756835654 36.68500139032388 geodata for Cnidus 0 tribe of Issachar Not referenced as a belief system in the New Testament. Nicolatianism Assos 26.33586734239906 0 39.48955031303715 geodata for Assos Ephesians Party of Zealots 35.53870968584208 0 32.39607055991332 geodata for Salim Salim Midian Distinguished from the Bethany near Jerusalem: since the time of Origen, the location has been unknown. Bethany beyond the Jordan Egyptians Cyrenians Patmos Lysias Nicopolis Elamites Illyricum tribe of Manasseh Gabbatha Freedmen 35.52350046026037 32.84830682682786 geodata for Dalmanutha 0 Dalmanutha Joseph was a member of the Jewish ruling council, and a follower of Jesus. He put Jesus' body in his own tomb after the crucifixion. {en} Joseph of Arimathea Stephen Timaeus a blind beggar whom Jesus healed Bartimaeus Passover Hellenists Samos Assassins tribe of Simeon Sosthenes The state or place of the dead. SUO restricts use of GeographicArea to places on the earth. Hades Rephan Sinai false the pagan wife of Ahab in the Old Testament Jezebel This may be a figurative reference based on the pagan wife of Ahab in the Old Testament, rather than the actual name of a contemporary person. Nazarenes Euphrates Greeks Tarsus 34.88339832154442 geodata for Tarsus 36.91390164056132 0 Romans Matthias Decapolis City southeast of the Sea of Galilee. Not mentioned in Scripture as such, but "the country of the Gadarenes" (Matt 8.28) takes its name from this city. Part of the Decapolis. Gadara Omega Lycaonian Antioch Jairus Jeremiah Israelites Mnason Samuel Rhegium Hebrew Prochorus Arabia Job 0 geodata for Mitylene 39.09884068878018 26.55789095333027 Sardis prophet an Old Testament prophet Daniel Almighty "Eli" is Aramaic for "My God". Cappadocia Lot Akeldama Kish Saul King of Israel tribe of Benjamin Parthians Syria Caiphas see Caiaphas Cananaean This attribute is only used by Matthew and Mark to describe Simon, one of Jesus' disciples. Given what else we know of Simon, it almost certainly designates a political attribute, rather than ethnicity. Golgotha false Magog an apocalyptic opponent of God's people Though in its original Old Testament context Magog referred to a region, its New Testament usage seems to describe a group of people. Samaritans Joel Gomorrah Cretans Zenas Melchizedek tribe of Naphtali Naphtali Alexandrians Cauda Sadducees Fair Havens Hebrews Roman Simeon A righteous man present in the temple when Jesus was presented as a baby emperor One of the emperors of Rome Claudius Mitylene Cos Niger Macedonians Samothrace Italy Chios Stoic Zacchaeus Judas Onesimus Sabbath Scriptures Jew Theophilus Nicolaitans Alpha Philippians Hosea