undersigning researcher agrees to the following restrictions on the
FACES database:
1. The FACES database must only be used for
research purposes.
2. The FACES database must only be used for the specific study outlined
in this release form and only by the researcher signing this release
form. If the study is a collaborative project, all researchers involved
need to submit a Release Agreement. Conducting multiple studies using
the FACES database requires the submission of multiple release forms,
one for each study.
3. All requests for access to the FACES database must be forwarded to
the FACES Technical Agent.
4. The FACES database must not be distributed, published, copied, or
further disseminated in any way or form whatsoever, whether for profit
or not. This also includes further distributing, copying or
disseminating to a facility or organization unit within the requesting
university, organization, or company.
5. Photographs of the FACES database must only be used in the form they
are delivered. As a rule, the images must not be modified or processed
in any way. Exceptions may be possible in certain cases, but require
prior agreement by the FACES Technical Agent and adherence to
additional conditions.
Please contact the FACES Technical
Agent If you wish to modify the FACES for your study.
6. Photographs of the FACES database are neither permitted for
publication in any type of report, paper, and other document nor
permitted for display in any type of presentation or exhibition.
7. Exempt from Rule 6 are the pictures of the following persons: 004,
066, 079, 116, 140, and 168. Research-related publication and display
of these photographs are permitted for the purpose of illustrating
research methodology. These photographs must not be published or
displayed for any other purpose. All other rules fully apply to this
subset of pictures as well.
8. All documents and papers that report on research that uses the FACES
database are requested to acknowledge the use of the FACES database by
citing the reference below. The FACES Technical Agent will communicate
updates to this reference.
Ebner, N., Riediger, M., Lindenberger, U. (2010). FACES—A
database of facial expressions
in young, middle-aged, and older women and men: Development and
validation. Behavior research Methods, 42, 351-362.
9. A copy of all reports and papers that use the FACES database and
that are for public or general release must be forwarded to the FACES
Technical Agent after release or publication for documentation.