#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net) # # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only # (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE # or http://www.escidoc.de/license. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright 2006-2007 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft # für wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH and Max-Planck- # Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft e.V. # All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. added_to_active_album = added in active album album_not_allowed_see_all = You are not allowed to see all images of the album. albums_headline = Albums already_in_active_album = already in active album! browse_not_logged_in = images to browse collection_create_error_organization = Please enter an organization. collection_create_error_title = Please enter a title. collections_headline = Collections confirmation_delete_album = Are you sure you want to delete this album? confirmation_delete_collection = Are you sure you want to delete this collection? confirmation_publish = Warning: Please note that once an album is published it can not be deleted any more because it will be connected to a citable URL that has to be persistent over time. confirmation_release_album = Are you sure you want to release this Album? confirmation_release_collection = Are you sure you want to release this collection? confirmation_withdraw_album = Are you sure you want to discard this album? All images will be deleted, only the metadata will be still visible. confirmation_withdraw_collection = Are you sure you want to discard this collection? All images will be deleted, only the metadata will be still visible. delete_wait = Deleting, please wait! editor_append = Add a new value to all editor_basic = Add only when value is empty editor_overwrite = Overwrite all values email_new_password = Dear XXX_USER_NAME_XXX,\r\n\r\nOn your demand, we have reset your password. Your new generated password is:\r\n\r\nLogin: XXX_LOGIN_XXX\r\nPassword: XXX_PASSWORD_XXX\r\n\r\nPlease log in this page XXX_LINK_TO_USER_PAGE_XXX and change the generated password.\r\n\r\nThanks for using Imeji,\r\nThe Imeji team.\r\n\r\nWARNING: This is an automaticaly generated email, please do not reply! email_new_password_subject = Your new Imeji password email_new_user = Dear XXX_USER_NAME_XXX,\r\n\r\nWe are happy to send you your new Imeji account:\r\n\r\nLogin: XXX_LOGIN_XXX\r\nPassword: XXX_PASSWORD_XXX\r\n\r\nPlease log in this page XXX_LINK_TO_USER_PAGE_XXX and change the generated password.\r\n\r\nTo start with Imeji, please go here: XXX_LINK_TO_APPLICATION_XXX\r\n\r\nThanks for using Imeji,\r\nThe Imeji team.\r\n\r\nWARNING: This is an automaticaly generated email, please do not reply! email_new_user_subject = Your Imeji account email_shared_album = Dear XXX_USER_NAME_XXX,\r\n\r\nI have shared my album"XXX_NAME_XXX" with you.\r\n\r\nTo see the collection please go here:\r\n\r\nXXX_LINK_XXX\r\n\r\nThanks you,\r\nXXX_SENDER_NAME_XXX\r\n\r\nWARNING: This is an automaticaly generated email, please do not reply! email_shared_album_subject = Imeji: An album has been shared with you email_shared_collection = Dear XXX_USER_NAME_XXX,\r\n\r\nI have shared my collection "XXX_NAME_XXX" with you.\r\n\r\nTo see the collection please go here:\r\n\r\nXXX_LINK_XXX\r\n\r\nThanks you,\r\nXXX_SENDER_NAME_XXX\r\n\r\nWARNING: This is an automaticaly generated email, please do not reply! email_shared_collection_subject = Imeji: A collection has been shared with you error_album_delete = Error during deletion of the album. error_album_need_one_author = An album needs at least one author. error_album_release = Error during publishing of the album. error_album_withdraw = Error during discarding the Album error_author_need_one_family_name = An author needs at least one family name! error_author_need_one_organization = An author needs at least one organization. error_collection_delete = Error during deletion of the collection. error_collection_need_one_author = A collection needs at least one author. error_collection_need_title = A collection needs a title! error_collection_release = Error during publishing of the collection. error_collection_withdraw = Error during discarding the collection. error_delete_no_albums_selected = No album selected to delete error_delete_no_collection_selected = No collection selected to delete error_editor_images_locked = images are locked by another user error_editor_not_allowed = You are not allowed to edit this image. error_image_delete = Error during deletion of the image. error_image_load = Error during loading of the image. error_log_in = Error during log-in, please check you login and your password. error_log_in_description = You need an Imeji account to log-in to Imeji. error_metadata_edit = Error during metadata edit. error_metadata_edit_no_images = No images selected error_metadata_validation = Error during metadata validation. error_page_not_exists = The requested page does not exists error_profile_label_no_lang = All labels must have a language error_profile_load = Error during loading of the profile. error_profile_name_not_unique = Labels must be unique. error_profile_name_not_valid = is not a valid name. error_profile_name_required = Al leaset one label is required. error_profile_save = Error during saving the profile. error_profile_select_metadata_type = Please select a type for each metadata element. error_reading_profile = Error during reading the profile. error_search_no_collection_selected = No collection selected. error_search_no_metadata_selected = No metadata element selected. error_search_query = Invalid search query! error_share_email_not_imeji_account = doesn't have an Imeji account. Sharing works only for Imeji users. error_share_not_enough_priviliges = You have no priviliges to share this collection. error_user_already_exists = Username already exists. please choose another one. error_user_email_not_valid = This e-mail adress is not valid. error_user_repeat_password = Password and repeated password are not the same. error_withdraw_image = Error during discarding the image. export_info = (XML includes technical metadata. CSV is without technical metadata.) images_added_to_active_album = images added to active album. message_export_agreement = You have to agree to the agreement. message_search_results_empty = Sorry, no items match your search criteria. Please try again. no_images_found = No images found please_wait = Please wait published_albums_headline = Published albums search_formular_headline = Search search_results_headline = Search result search_results_query_01 = You searched in show_all_items_in_medium_view = Show all items in medium view show_all_items_in_short_view = Show all items in short view statistic_00_headline = View statistics statistics_description_download = Number of successfully executed exports. Multiple downloads are counted. statistics_description_images = Number of downloaded pictures. For example, if an album contains 10 pictures and the user chooses to download these pictures in 2 different resolutions, the number of downloaded pictures will be 20 (2x10). statistics_description_login = Number of successfully executed log-ins. statistics_description_visits = Number of different retrievals of the Homepage (once per user session). No distinction between 'real' users and robots. One session will automatically end after 30 minutes (or when the user ends it). statistics_info = Note: Statistical data are updated on a daily basis. success_album_create = Album created successfully success_album_delete = Album successfully deleted success_album_release = Album successfully published success_album_remove_from = removed from album. success_album_remove_images = images removed from album success_album_update = Album updated successfully success_album_withdraw = Album successfully discarded success_collection_create = Collection successfully created! success_collection_delete = Collection successfully deleted success_collection_release = Collection successfully released success_collection_save = Collection successfully saved success_collection_withdraw = Collection successfully discarded success_collections_delete = collections deleted. success_editor_edit = Images successfully edited success_editor_image = One image edited success_editor_images = images edited success_log_in = You have logged in successfully! success_log_out = You have logged out successfully! success_profile_save = Profile successfully saved success_user_create = User created successfully. withdraw_wait = Discarding, please wait.