# FEDORA lowlevel data store fedora.data.dir=%FEDORA_HOME%/data # the base directory of the EIMS CDR publications export file(s) eims.export.file.location = /home/frank/data/FAO/CDR/final/ # the base directory of the EIMS CDR aeticles export file(s) eims.export.file.location.articles = /home/frank/data/AGRIS_FAO/20090910-EIMSExport/final/exportArticles/ # the file name(s) of the EIMS CDR publications export file(s) seperated by a single white space # !!! the root element in all EIMS-CDR export files MUST BE changed to "eimsresources" !!! eims.export.file.names = eims_Before1999.xml eims_1999.xml eims_2000.xml eims_2001.xml eims_2002.xml eims_2003.xml eims_2004.xml eims_2005.xml eims_2006.xml eims_2007.xml eims_2008.xml eims_2009.xml eims_2010.xml eims_2011.xml # the file name(s) of the EIMS CDR articles export file(s) seperated by a single white space # !!! the root element in all EIMS-CDR export files MUST BE changed to "eimsresources" !!! eims.export.file.names.articles = eims_Articles1.xml eims_Articles2.xml eims_Articles3.xml eims_Articles4.xml eims_Articles5.xml eims_Articles6.xml eims_Articles7.xml # the base directory of the FAODOC export file(s) faodoc.export.file.location = /home/frank/data/FAO/FAODOC/final/ # the file name(s) of the FAODOC export file(s) seperated by a single white space # faodoc.export.file.names = AM-1.xml AMS-1.xml AS-1.xml M-1.xml M-2.xml M-3.xml M-4.xml MS-1.xml faodoc.export.file.names = AM-2011.xml AMS-2011.xml AS-2011.xml M-0to1940_result.xml M-1940to1949_result.xml M-1950to1959_result.xml M-1960to1969_result.xml M-1970-1979_result.xml M-1980to1989_result.xml M-1990to1999_result.xml M-2000to2011_result.xml MS-2011_result.xml # the base directory of the FAO URI files derived from the WorkBench-Data.mdb fao.uris.file.location = /home/frank/data/FAO/URIs/ # the file names of the uri files fao.uris.conferences = FAO-Conferences.xml fao.uris.corporatebodies = FAO-CorporateBodies.xml fao.uris.journals = FAO-Journals.xml fao.uris.projects = FAO-Projects.xml fao.uris.series = FAO-Series.xml # AGROVOC skos.rdf file fao.agrovoc.skos = file:///home/frank/data/FAO/URIs/ag_skos_080422.rdf # testing ... # faodoc.export.file.names = M-2.xml # the destination directory for the generated FOXML files fao.foxml.destination.location = /home/frank/data/FAO/FOXML_EIMS/