# CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only # (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE # or http://www.escidoc.de/license. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright 2006-2012 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft # für wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH and Max-Planck- # Gesellschaft zur Föderung der Wissenschaft e.V. # All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. # CoNE service URL # # The URL the CoNE homepage should be reached at. # Looks like "http://www.example.com/cone/". # localhost should only be used in development environments. escidoc.cone.service.url=${escidoc.cone.service.url} # Control of Named Entities database interface class implementing the de.mpg.escidoc.services.cone.Querier interface # possible values currently are # de.mpg.escidoc.services.cone.MockQuerier (dummy implementation) # de.mpg.escidoc.services.cone.MulgaraQuerier (interface to the Mulgara triplestore, might be slightly out-dated # de.mpg.escidoc.services.cone.OracleQuerier (interface to an Oracle database) # de.mpg.escidoc.services.cone.SQLQuerier (default) escidoc.cone.querier.class=${escidoc.cone.querier.class} # Mulgara server name (only for MulgaraQuerier) escidoc.cone.mulgara.server.name=${escidoc.cone.mulgara.server.name} # Mulgara server port (only for MulgaraQuerier) escidoc.cone.mulgara.server.port=${escidoc.cone.mulgara.server.port} # CoNE default language abbreviation (only for MulgaraQuerier) # used to import RDF data from a local drive escidoc.cone.rdf.path=${escidoc.cone.rdf.path} # CoNE default language abbreviation # of type ISO639-1, default is "en" escidoc.cone.language.default=${escidoc.cone.language.default} # CoNE database configuration (for SQLQuerier and OracleQuerier) # JDBC Driver class, e.g. "org.postgresql.Driver" for PostgreSQL escidoc.cone.database.driver.class=${escidoc.cone.database.driver.class} # Database server name. Can be set to localhost if on the same machine escidoc.cone.database.server.name=${escidoc.cone.database.server.name} # Database port (e.g. 5432 for default PostgreSQL instances) escidoc.cone.database.server.port=${escidoc.cone.database.server.port} # The name of the database, default is "cone" escidoc.cone.database.name=${escidoc.cone.database.name} # Database user login data with at least DML rights on the cone database escidoc.cone.database.user.name=${escidoc.cone.database.user.name} escidoc.cone.database.user.password=${escidoc.cone.database.user.password} #CoNE Maximum number of returned result sets (default is 50) escidoc.cone.maximum.results=${escidoc.cone.maximum.results} #Path to the model.xml file # Default is "models.xml" which points to the built-in configuration file in cone.jar # Change this value if you want to change or create own models. Copy the models.xml file from the Jar # and change this property to the location where you put the copy. escidoc.cone.modelsxml.path=${escidoc.cone.modelsxml.path} # Used for getting role information framework.admin.username=${framework.admin.username} framework.admin.password=${framework.admin.password} # URL for stylesheets in common-presentation # Default is "/common/" escidoc.common.presentation.url=${escidoc.common.presentation.url} # Properties for common standard theme # Default is "/common/resources/cssFramework/themes/skin_blue/styles/theme.css" escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.url=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.url} # Is either "stylesheet" or "alternate stylesheet". Exactly ONE "stylesheet" must be given. escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.type=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.type} # Is either "true" or "false". If false, this skin is not taken into account. escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.apply=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.standard.apply} # Properties for common contrast theme # Default is "/common/resources/cssFramework/themes/skin_highContrast/styles/theme.css" escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.url=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.url} # Is either "stylesheet" or "alternate stylesheet". Exactly ONE "stylesheet" must be given. escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.type=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.type} # Is either "true" or "false". If false, this skin is not taken into account. escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.apply=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.contrast.apply} # Properties for common classic theme # Default is "/common/resources/cssFramework/themes/skin_classic/styles/theme.css" escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.url=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.url} # Is either "stylesheet" or "alternate stylesheet". Exactly ONE "stylesheet" must be given. escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.type=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.type} # Is either "true" or "false". If false, this skin is not taken into account. escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.apply=${escidoc.common.stylesheet.classic.apply} # AA local # URL to the AA module, default is "/auth/". escidoc.aa.instance.url=${escidoc.aa.instance.url} # This should be set when multiple AA modules are used # Default is "http://localhost:8080/auth/clientLogin" escidoc.aa.default.target=${escidoc.aa.default.target} # For a productive system, the key pair MUST be generated anew. If not, the system is unsafe. # Creating a pair of keys can be done with # de.mpg.escidoc.services.aa.crypto.KeyGenerator # Default is "private.key", that points to aa_presentation.war/WEB-INF/classes/private.key (for development only). escidoc.aa.private.key.file=${escidoc.aa.private.key.file} # AA remote # For a productive system, the key pair MUST be generated anew. If not, the system is unsafe. # Creating a pair of keys can be done with # de.mpg.escidoc.services.aa.crypto.KeyGenerator # Default is "public.key", that points to aa_presentation.war/WEB-INF/classes/public.key (for development only). escidoc.aa.public.key.file=${escidoc.aa.public.key.file} # An XML configuration that describes the used Authentication mechanism. # Default is "conf.xml" which points to a file in aa_presentation.war/WEB-INF/classes # To change the configuration, copy this file to a different location and change the property to it. escidoc.aa.config.file=${escidoc.aa.config.file} # When the AA module is configured to work with the IP authentication, this file is used to identify valid IP adresses. # An example can be found at aa_presentation.war/WEB-INF/classes/ips.xml escidoc.aa.ip.table=${escidoc.aa.ip.table} # Depending on the type of authentication chosen, either one class is needed or two (e.g. with eSciDoc authentication). #escidoc.aa.client.class=de.mpg.escidoc.services.aa.web.client.IpAaClient escidoc.aa.client.start.class=${escidoc.aa.client.start.class} escidoc.aa.client.finish.class=${escidoc.aa.client.finish.class}