Following you will find information which elements and attributes are "required", "optional", "not-allowed" or will be "discarded" in the input XML-stream when creating or updating such an object. In "create" the rule for creating a new object is defined. In "update" the rule for updating an object is defined. Possible values are: required | optional | not-allowed | discarded required: this element or attribute has to be delivered optional: this element or attribute can be delivered and will be kept not-allowed: this element or attribute is not allowed in delivery and will cause an exception discarded: this element or attribute can be delivered but will not be used required required The existence of the attribute means that the contained element is not a native element of the contained resource, but borrowed from another resource. discarded discarded discarded discarded optional optional (see comment) if not present in XML-stream and exists in stored object this component will be deleted. required required discarded discarded discarded discarded optional optional The desirable storage way for the binary content of the component. mandatory discarded optional optional The existence of the attribute means that the contained element is not a native element of the contained resource, but borrowed from another resource. discarded discarded discarded required, if empty or missing the component is treated as new discarded discarded required required discarded discarded discarded discarded discarded discardred Description can be set by dc:description in md-record "escidoc". optional optional required required discarded discarded required required discarded discarded File name can be set by dc:title in md-record "escidoc". optional optional discarded discarded discarded discarded