The name and the database fields of the aggregation-table
and what to write into each field is defined by the aggregation-definition.
Also indexes for one or more fields of the table can be defined.
Note: When creating an aggregation-definition,
the name of the database table can be defined.
Additionally the aggregation-definition gets a unique identifier
in the database. To avoid duplicate table-names in the system,
the given name of the aggregation-table internally gets extended
by the schema-name and the unique identifier.
Example: When creating an aggregation-definition with database table-name
page_statistics, the name of the table after creation will be eg sm._1_page_statistics.
This name also will be provided in the xml that gets returned by the interface call.
The same will happen with index-names, also to avoid duplicate names.
Name of the aggregation-definition.
objid of the scope.
Defines the fields of the aggregation-database-table,
their field-types and where to get the data from.
Holds information about where to get the data from,
that has to get aggregated for this aggregation.
Name of the aggregation-database-table.
Gets updated on create.
Tablename gets prefixed with _<aggregation-definition-id>_
Description of one database-field of the aggregation-table.
Within the index-element, an index for the table can be defined.
Holds information which statistic-records to extract
out of the statistic-record-table for this aggregation.
xpath-query for the statistic-data-table.
Only these statistic-records are selected out of the
statistic-record-table that match this expression.
field that holds a value (string, date or numeric)
that comes from a parameter-value of one statistic-record-xml.
Attribute feed=statistics-data is for the
first release the only supported attribute.
In later releases feed could be eg xml-result if additional
data shall be aggregated from other sources than the statistic-record-xml.
field that holds part of a date (can be year,month,day,weekday).
If a xpath-element is defined, use this parameter from the
statistic-record-xml. Child of this parameter must be <datevalue>.
If no xpath-element is defined, use the timestamp when the
statistics-record was written. Time-reduction-fields
are always numeric database-fields.
holds the count of aggregation-table-records with same
values in all other fields of type info-field and
time-reduction-field. Count-cumulation-fields
are always numeric database-fields.
holds the count of statistic-record-xmls with different
values in given statistics-parameter and same values
in all other fields of type info-field and time-reduction-field.
Eg used for a aggregation-table-field that holds
the number of sessions. Difference-cumulation-fields
are always numeric database-fields.
name of the table-field in the database.
type of the field in the database. Can be text, numeric or date.
xpath to the required value in the statistic-record.xml.
Attribute feed=statistics-data is for the first release the
only supported attribute. In later releases feed could be eg
xml-result if additional data shall be aggregated from other sources
than the statistic-record-xml.
name of the table-field in the database.
part of date that has to be written in this field (year,month,day,weekday).
xpath to the required value in the statistic-record.xml.
Attribute feed=statistics-data is for the first release the
only supported attribute. In later releases feed could be eg
xml-result if additional data shall be aggregated from other sources
than the statistic-record-xml.
name of the table-field in the database.
name of the table-field in the database.
xpath to the required value in the statistic-record.xml.
Attribute feed=statistics-data is for the first release the
only supported attribute. In later releases feed could be eg
xml-result if additional data shall be aggregated from other sources
than the statistic-record-xml.
name of the index in the database.
Indexname gets prefixed with _<aggregation-definition-id>_
field(s) of the database-table the index shall be created on.